2019 | A Letter From Lisa

Hello Friends!

This is Lisa, I’m the designer and owner of Mien Studios.

It’s the end of the year and I want to take a moment, before the frenzy of the holidays, to thank you for the support and love you’ve given my brand in 2019.

Because of you, for the first time I was able to add a few incredibly talented women to my team, which allowed me to focus even more on design and spend more time with my family. In September, I had the opportunity to open a storefront, thus moving my business out of our tiny home and into a real space for us to gather and meet you, our wonderful customers. I’m grateful for you and each and every one of your orders, which created the steady growth for this small company of mine so I can continue to design and produce clothing that is more sustainable for our future on this planet. 

This year brought a lot of small victories and successes professionally, but personally, it was a very trying year. My husband and I have a four-year-old son and we have been trying for a second child, only to suffer the heartbreak of two consecutive miscarriages. I worked through the pain, slowed down when I can. I cried a lot but thankfully, I have this business which gives also me a lot of happiness so I dove into work while I waited for my body to heal each time. Then in late fall, we found out we were pregnant again. I’m five months pregnant now and I’m feeling more at ease that this is really happening with each passing day. With my growing baby bump, I’ve also continued to live in my Mien jumpsuits and jackets, I designed this line for the many stages of motherhood and it’s been a joy to see and feel the designs work the way I intended them to.

I’ve always kept all our brand pages very “on topic”, the Team and I only post about company-related news. But I’ve also come to know many of you more personally over the years and can even count those of you as friends. Beneath the beautiful photos we create for this brand that the Team and I love, we’re people too and worked hard for everything you see on our website. As a fellow mother, a woman/person in our sisterhood/shared humanity, and a designer who counts her customers as muses, we are stronger through our shared life experiences and I’d like to share a little more of mine here from time to time.

Whether you celebrate the holidays or not, I hope the end of the year brings you a lot of peace and kind reflection on what you’ve also achieved in this past year. This company and spaces we’ve created for you on social media and now even in a physical store, is always a warm, welcoming place for all. I know you have an abundance of choice when it comes to dressing you and your family, thank you for choosing mine. It means everything to me, we’re here because of you.

Happy Holidays!

Yours Truly,
Lisa Hsieh

My portraits are by Jenna Normal Photography