Mien Muse | Artist Carmel @thezonkygirl

You may recognize Carmel, who had beautifully modeled some of our latest styles in photos on our website. Carmel is a dynamic painter and multi-media artist with a YouTube channel documenting her life as an artist and creator. We're excited to feature her as our latest Mien Muse. 

See Carmel's work at https://www.tzgworld.com/
YouTube~ https://www.youtube.com/@thezonkygirl


Hi Carmel! Please introduce yourself to our readers. 

I am THEZONKYGIRL, though I formally go by Carmel.

Where are you from, and why did you settle in Long Beach?

I am Congolese, and I came to Long Beach for university. I wanted to experience what life could be like for me in the United States, so I decided to start in Long Beach. This city has blessed me in more ways than I imagined.

How did you begin working in art?

I have been creative from a very young age and had dabbled in painting in primary school, but I properly picked it back up during my first year of university as a way to process that experience. Moving to a new country was hard at first, and painting brought the peace I needed during those hard times.

How does your culture reflect in your paintings?

One of the ways my culture is reflected in my painting is through the consistent visual of an afro. In Congolese culture, an afro can symbolize many different things. Some of them include a celebration of natural hair, connection to African identity, asense of unity, and, the ones dearest to my heart, empowerment and self acceptance.

How do you get inspired and stay inspired to create?

By living. I find that when I try to be inspired, it never works. Yet, when I give myself the space to be a human and experience the gift of life, inspiration is abundant.


Carmel wears the Sola Jumpsuit, Sedona Jumpsuit, & Coast Midi Dress